May 27, 2010

White House and Sestak Issue: Obama's Watergate

Common Sensers,

It seems as though the corruption is just growing and growing.  The progressive liberals in our government just can not seem to help themselves.  We're writing today for everyone who listens to our show, follows us on twitter, or reads this blog to do everything in your power to not let this Sestak issue die down.  You can be sure that the White House and Joe Sestak will do everything they can to make this seem like it is no big deal but I urge you to do everything in your power (legally) to make sure this story gets reported on.  Not just by FOX News, but by ALL NEWS.  It is good to see the LA Times reporting something here.  There is something seriously wrong here and the American people need to demand the truth.  If any of the allegations that have been circulating are can bet your behind that it is a felony and is something that DOES NOT bode well for President Obama and his administration.  Keep your eyes and ears open on this story and as always, watch what the government's other hand is doing.  They try to distract us this-way-and-that, so be tuned into everything that is going on.

If you find anything and want us to talk about on the show, please e-mail it to us at  Thank you and be sure to check back for more.  Shows are projected to start back up sometime this weekend.

-Common Sense Talk Radio

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