Jun 14, 2010

Dems Continue to Advance Smear Campaign, Never Fight With Facts

Unbelievable.  Video surfaces of a N.C. Democratic Congressman assaulting a college student in Washington D.C. and all the Dems/Liberals/country ruiners can do is once again...point a finger and smear! 


Now Andrew Brietbart is under attack and this one has me heated.  I can't believe this.  When will the left wake up?  Never.  They are blind to the truth and are hypocritical and self centered.  They will never fight with facts, they will only discredit.  I'm sick and tired of the double-negatives in this country and the biased opinions.  Liberals lack one thing that we Conservatives have...a fight.  For decades now we've been challenged.  For too long the left has controlled the media, hollywood, and every other news outlet.  Now they control the government and are trying to take complete control.  As for us Conservatives, we have 1 news network and talk radio.  That's it.  We fight out battles with facts and they just whine and complain and tell their news networks to spin the story or have their hollywood directors make a movie that misinterprets history and has everyone believe it.  They can't ever win a fight with a fact knowing, truth slinging conservative because they don't know what facts are or what the truth is.  They never read original sources, they just get opinions from other people.  They never admit they're wrong which is all the time and they are ruthlessly slimey.  To see Andrew Brietbart coming under attack from the left when IF YOU WATCH THE VIDEO (that he didn't even take), the congressman clearly CLEARLY was at fault here.  But no, the left has to smear Brietbart because he owns the website this video was posted on and has to take the heat for it.

Wake up America.  If you don't wake up now, when you do wake up...your country will be GONE.  NOW is the time to act.  Please join http://www.freedomworks.org/ and sign up.  Unite with fellow Conservatives and please help make a difference.  The left has thousands of organizations that make plans and hold rallies everyday.  The least you can do is join one.  We must unite to make the change in November at the voting booths.

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